Speaking languages, part I

by Mari in Thoughts and stories | Leave a comment / Kommentoi  

In Finland we get one of the best language educations in the world I dare say. At school we are taught at least two foreign languages (English and Swedish) before the age of 14 and in most schools you can make it three (add German) if you want. And after 14 there is almost no limit – in free public school one can study usually up to at least seven different languages

Starting something new – so scary and so exciting

by Mari in Thoughts and stories | Leave a comment / Kommentoi  

“This is the moment” I thought to myself “There couldn’t be a better moment to start my blog”. It was a Saturday evening in Finland, late July, about six o’clock and it was a evening of a gorgeous, sunny, hot summer day, one of the last days of my summer holiday 2011. The sun was shining still high up but there were signs of approaching storm in the air: wind was blowing hard and bending the trees, curtains inside my Read More

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